

Conference on Asia Society of Basic and Art,
Jeju, Korea, p245-248.

Lo, Kai*
Lin, Pin-Chang**
Chen, Chien-Hsiung***

Graduate School of Design, 
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  2009 ASIA  

“Public art” has gradually extended from urban to rural areas. Urban and rural citizens perceive cultural stimuli and aesthetics differently because of their differences in growing up and daily life experience, thus making the view and demand of public art installation in these areas different. This study investigated the perceptional differences in “public art” as street furniture between urban and rural citizens, using a creative bus stop shelter in Hualien, Taiwan, as an example in order to propose recommendations for public art installation in the future. Recommendations based on the research results include: (1) the general comments of urban and rural citizens tend to be consistent and are generally positive, suggesting that public art in the form of street furniture is accepted by the public. The only difference is found in “attraction”: Taipei citizens are impressed by bus stop shelters of peculiar and diverse styles; while Hualien citizens and bus commuters prefer stone sculptures because these are part of the local culture. This is the perceptional difference among these 3 groups. (2) In the open-end questionnaire, respondents of all 3 groups clearly and unanimously express that the practicality and functionality of the bus stop shelter design is secondary to it offering protection from the rain, seats, and posted information. (3) In example-specific ratings, different groups have different comments and feelings on different bus stop shelters. However, the assessment level rises in the integrated assessment, making the integrated perceptional difference insignificant, suggesting that respondents approve of the government’s efforts in building creative bus stop shelters. Results of this study also indicate that both urban and rural citizens are pleased to see the government’s efforts in embellishing the environment and improving living quality.
Key words: public arts, street furniture


「公共藝術」的發展,逐漸由城市延伸至鄉鎮,城鄉民眾在成長背景與生活經驗中,對於文化的刺激與美的感受擁有不同的體會,因此,對於城市與鄉鎮的「公共藝術」設置的觀點與需求上是否有所差異,值得深究。本研究動機奠基於此,以台灣之花蓮市創意候車亭為樣本,探詢城鄉民眾對於公共藝術之街道家具觀點的差異,藉以提供改善與未來設置的參考。研究結果建議:(1) 城鄉民眾對於創意候車亭的綜合評價趨近一致,整體均給予正面的評價,顯示將公共藝術運用在街道家具的方式受到認同。整體評價僅在「引人注目」的感受上有所差異,大台北民眾認為造形獨特且多樣化的石雕候車亭讓人印象深刻,花蓮民眾與公車族因生活環境中常見石彫作品,感受一般,是三者認知差異所在。(2) 三組受測者於開放性問卷中,均清楚且一致的表示,整體候車亭的設計實用性與功能不佳。其中雨避、座椅、與資訊提供最受到重視。(3) 三組受測族群在逐件評比時,對於不同候車亭的看法與感受有所差異。然而在整體綜合評量時卻提高評量水準,導致綜合感受程度的差異不顯著,顯見受測者均善意的認同創意候車亭設置的用心。研究亦顯示無論是在城市或鄉鎮,均樂見政府致力於美化市容與生活品質的提昇。


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